Seminarios 2010-2011

Date: 8/10
Speaker: Arnold Polanski (Queen’s University Belfast)
"Dynamic Multilateral Markets"
Room: SB-03
Time: 12:00

Date: 15/10
Speaker: Rosario Crinò (Institut d’Anàlisi Econòmica-CSIC)
Title: “Productivity, Quality, and Export Intensities”
Room: SB-03
Time: 12:00

Date: 5/11
Speaker: Xavier Ramos (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Title: "Inequality Aversion and Risk Attitudes"
Room: SB-03
Time: 12:00

Date: 19/11
Speaker: Riccardo Magnani (CEPII-Université Paris-Nord XII)
"A general equilibrium evaluation of the sustainability of the new pension reforms in Italy"
Room: SB-03
Time: 12:00

Date: 3/12
Speaker: Luciano Canova (ENI-Università Bocconi)
"Italy and PISA 2006: a transformation disease?"
Room: SB-03
Time: 12:00

Date: 18/2
Speaker: José Manoel Gonçalves Gândara (Federal University of Paraná)
Title: Brazil as a business
Room: SB-03
Time: 12:00

Date: 21/2
Speaker: Joan Llull Cabrer (CEMFI)
Title: “Immigration, Wages, and Education: A Labor Market Equilibrium Structural Model
Room: SB-03
Time: 12:30

Date: 4/3
Speaker: Adrien Vigier (
CORE-Universite Catholique de Louvain)
"Robust Networks"
Room: SB-03
Time: 12:00

Date: 7/3
Speaker: Lucia Mangiavacchi (
PSE-Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Title: "Cash Transfers and Household Welfare in Albania: A Non-experimental Evaluation Accounting for Time-Invariant Unobservables"
Room: SB-03
Time: 13:30

Date: 11/3
María Dolores de la Mata (Universidad Carlos III)
Title: "The effect of Medicaid on Children's Health: a Regression Discontinuity Approach"
Room: SB-06
Time: 12:00

Date: 18/3
Speaker: Gonçal López-Nadal (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Title: "India. La génesis de una potencia en un mundo global"
Room: SB-03
Time: 13:30


Date: 25/3
Speaker: Ramón Molina (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Title: "La formación del mercado de trabajo de Balears en perspectiva histórica"
Room: SB-03
Time: 13:30

Date: 1/4
Speaker: Paulina Etxebarría
 (Universidad del País Vasco)
"Business cycles in a small open economy model: The case of Hong Kong"
Room: SB-04
Time: 12:00

Date: 4/4
Speaker: María Santana
 Gallego (Universidad de la Laguna)
Title: "A note on the effect of common currencies on trade"
: SB-03
Time: 11:30

Date: 8/4
Speaker: Katarzyna Lasak
(Aarhus University)
"Fractional cointegration rank estimation"
Room: SB-04
Time: 12:00

Date: 12/4
Speaker: Laia Pié Dols
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Title: "Analysis of accounting multipliers in a NAMEA: An application to the case of Catalonia
Room: SB-03
Time: 12:00

Date: 15/4
Speaker: Jan L.Bednarczyk y
Slawomir I. Bukowski (Universidad de Radon)
"Development of financial markets, monetary policy and economic growth: Poland against the background of selected EU countries" (slides1 and slides2)
Room: SB-03
Time: 12:00

Date: 18/4
Speaker: Iñigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe (Universidad de Alicante)
Title: “Visibility of social security contributions and employment”
Time: 12:00

Date: 4/5
Speaker: Nicolás Porteiro Fresco (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
Title: "Monitoring Selective Reporting: Increasing the Penalty or the Probability of Detection"
Room: SB-03
Time: 13:45

Date: 13/5
Speaker: Juan Carlos Cuestas (University of Sheffield)
"How big is the German locomotive? A perspective from Central and Eastern European countries’ unemployment rates"
Room: SB-03
Time: 12:00

Date: 20/5
Speaker: Denise R. Osborn (University of Manchester)
Title: "
Breaks in US Monetary Policy: An Information Criteria Approach"
Room: SB-03
Time: 12:00

Date: 26/5
Murad Khan (Jawaharlal Nehru Universiy)
Title: "
The international expansion of Indian firms"
Room: SB-03

Date: 27/5
Speaker: Arnstein Aassve (Università Bocconi)
Title: “Resources in the Extended Family: Grandparents, Grandchildren, and Consequent Fertility Decisions”
Room: SB-03
Time: 12:00

Date: 9/6
Jaume Garau
Title: "
Vínculos emocionales en destinos de sol y playa"
Room: SB-03