Research Seminars 2002-2003 academic year
Fall term
18th October 2002
Bartolomé Deyà
Universitat de les Illes Balears
The Economic Value Added (EVA®): An Analysis of Market Reaction.
25th October 2002 (10h.)
Juan F. Jimeno
The Effects of Employment Protection:Learning from Variable Enforcement.
15th November 2002
Guadalupe Souto
Univeristat Autònoma de Barcelona
La selección de la tasa social de descuento
29th November 2002
Elizabeth Cabrera
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Knowledge-Sharing Dilemmas
2th December
Luis Gomez Mejia
Arizona State University
CEO incentives, Innovation, and Performance in Technology-Intensive Firm
13th December 2002
Matteo Ciccarelli
Universidad de Alicante
Measuring Shift-Contagion with a Bayesan Time-Variyn Coefficient Model
Seminar Room: SB03 (Jovellanos Building)
Winter term
(E) 10th January 2003
Rocío Sanchez
Universidad Carlos III
Estimation of a Dynamic Structural Model of Irreversible Investment
Seminar Room: SB03 (Jovellanos Building)
(E) 24th January 2003
Alan Hughes
Cambridge University
Seminar Room: SB03 (Jovellanos Building)
The Long Run Performance of U.K. Acquirers: A Comprehensive Sample of Cross-Border, Domestic, Public and Private Targets
(E) 31st January 2003
Dennis Mueller
University of Viena
Seminar Room: SB03 (Jovellanos Building)
The Determinants of Merger Waves
(A) 7th February 2003
Juan Mora
Universidad de Alicante
Family Transfers on Education and Money and Income Distribution: Empirical Evidence
(E) 21st February 2003
Jorge Vicente Pérez
Universidas Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Forecasting performance on the Spanish "Ibex-35" stock index
(E) 28th February 2003
Alberto Bayo
Universidad Pública de Navarra
Promoción interna frente a contratación externa: evidencia en establecimientos industriales
(A) 7th March 2003
Ramiro Losada
Strategic Pricing, Auctions and Fragmented Market under Universal Service Obligation
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
(A) 14th March 2003
José Alcalde
Universidad de . Alicante
Researching with Whom? Stability and Manipulation
(A) 28st March 2003
Alfonso Sanchez
Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine
Endogenous Retirement and Public Pension System Reform in Spain
(A) 4th April 2003
Piere Yves Geoffard
DELTA. Paris
Selection and Incentive Effects in Health Insurance
Seminar Room: SB03 (Jovellanos Building)
(A) 11th April 2003
Mathias Busse
Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA).
Export Structure, FDI and Child Labour
Seminar Room: SB03 (Jovellanos Building)
Exams term
(A) 16th May 2003
Ramón Maria-Dolores
Universidad Complutense
Non-linear monetary policy rules: Some new evidence for the US
Seminar Room: SB03 (Jovellanos Building)
(A) 19th May 2003
Arnold Chassagnon
Incentives among heteregeneous workers
(IDEI Toulouse)
(A) 30th May 2003
Albert Solé
The regional allocation of infrastructure investment: the role of equity, efficiency and political factors
Univeristat de Barcelona
Seminar Room: SB03 (Jovellanos Building)
(E) 6th June 2003
Isabel Gutierrez
Specialization and Diversification in Audit Firms: A Test of Firm's Strategies in the Spanish Audit Market*
Universidad Carlos III
Seminar Room: SB03 (Jovellanos Building)
(A) 13th June 2003
Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur
Why didn't France follow the British Stabilization after World War One
Seminar Room: SB03 (Jovellanos Building)
(A) 20th June 2003
Pérez Quirós
Banco de España - Univ. Alicante
Inventories and the Information Revolution: Implications for Output Volatility
Seminar Room: SB03 (Jovellanos Building)