Research Seminars 2001-2002 academic year
Fall term
19th october 2001
Margalida Alemany
Universitat Illes Balears
Why takeover defenses in Spain?
26th october 2001
Vicent Aragó Manzana
Universitat Jaume I
Cambios de varianza y modelos GARCH- bivariantes. Aplicación a la cobertura dinámica
8th November 2001
Industrial Management University of Wisconsin-Stout
Doing critial organizational research. An examination of methodology
9th november 2001
Xisco Oliver
Universitat Illes Balears
Are Spanish Governments Really Averse to Inequality?
A Normative Empirically Based Analysis of 1998 and 1999 Spanish Tax-Benefit Systems
23th november 2001
Aleix Calveras
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Multinational hotel chains and environmental quality
30th november 2001
Laura Mayoral
Universitat Autònoma Barcelona
Long Range Dependence in Spanish Political Opinion Poll Series
13th december 2001
Ernesto Villanueva
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Parental Altruism un er Imperfect Information: Theory an Evidence.
Winter term
11th january 2002
Universidad Pública de Navarra
The Determinants of Executive compensation in Family-Owned Firm
18th january 2002
Universitat de les Illes Balears
La globalización: transformaciones en el mundo de la ciencia política. presente y futuro del estado-nación
25th january 2002
Gonzalo Rubio
Universidad País Vasco
An empirical comparison of the performance of alternative option pricing models
Seminar room: Aula 5
1st february 2002
Daniel Serra
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
A Chance - Constrained Maximum Capture Location Problem
Seminar room: Aula 5
8th february 2002
Julio Segura
Universidad Complutense Madrid / Banco de España
Tamaño, estructura y coste de financiación de las empresas manufactureras españolas (1991-1998).
Seminar room: Sala de Juntes Mateu Orfila
15th february 2002
Universidad Carlos III Madrid
R&D Investment and Financial Contracting in Spanish Manufacturing Firms
Seminar room: Aula 5
21st February 2002
University of Chicago
Organizational capital and the existence of a diversification and size ’discount’
Seminar room: Sala de Juntes Mateu Orfila
22th february 2002
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Economic integration and corruption
Seminar room: Aula 5
28th february 2002
Aarhus University
Long run forecasting in cointegrating systems
8th march 2002
Universitat de Barcelona y CREB
Does altruism affect the optimal fical policy?
15th march 2002
Jesus Gonzalo
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Threshold Stochastic Unit Root Models
22th march 2002
Ana Xavier
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Unofficial payments for acute state hospital care: A model of physician behaviour with vertical service differentiation
Seminar room: Sala de Juntes Mateu Orfila
Spring term
12th april 2002
Kai Konrad
Free Universiteit of Berlin
The Geography Of The Family
Seminar room: Sala de Juntes Mateu Orfila
19th april 2002
Structural Estimation with a Randomized Trial of a Medical Insurance Principal Agent Model with Moral Hazard
University College London
Seminar room: Sala de Juntes Mateu Orfila
26th april 2002
Capital Requirements, Market Power, and Risk-Taking in Banking
Centro de Estudios Monetarios y financieros (CEMFI) y CEPR
Seminar room: Sala de Juntes Mateu Orfila
3rd may 2002
Georges Casamatta
Voting on pensions with endogenous retirement age
IDEI Toulouse
Seminar room: Sala de Juntes Mateu Orfila
10th may 2001
Juan Manuel Castañer
Un Análisis del Impuesto Lineal sobre la Renta a través de un ejercicio de microsimulación
Instituto Estudios Fiscales
Seminar room: Sala de Juntes Mateu Orfila
17th may 2001
José Luis Groizard
On the determinants of the international embodied technology diffusion
Univesitat Illes Balears
Seminar room: Sala de Juntes Mateu Orfila
27th may 2001
Income taxation with habit formation and consumption externalities
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Seminar room: Sala de Juntes Mateu Orfila
14th june 2002
Universitat de Barcelona
Evaluating the Lee-Carter Method to Forecasting Spanish Life-Expectancy
Seminar room: Sala de Juntes Mateu Orfila
21th june 2002
Universidad de Alicante
Market power in the Spanish electricity market
Seminar room: Sala de Juntes Mateu Orfila
28th june 2002
Universitat de Barcelona
Level shifts in a panel data based unit root test. An application to the rate of unemployment
Seminar room: Aula 5